SPARC ok prompt command reference
Maybe you don’t care about the forth programming language, but if you work on Sparc systems long enough you are going to have to work from the ok prompt.
Here are the essentials commands you must know.
Boot the system normally
ok> boot
Boot the system and allow for discovery of new devices (reconfiguration boot)
ok> boot -r
Boot into Single-User Mode
ok> boot -s
Boot into a ROM, useful if your system isn’t bootable
ok> boot -F failsafe
Boot a global-cluster (suncluster) node into single user non-cluster mode.
ok> boot -sx
List your network adapters, you can then do boot net - install [device path] to boot from the network using the specified interface
ok> show-nets
Useful for determining boot devices and general server components
ok> show-devs
devalias lists the device aliases where nvalias is used to set them permanently
ok> devalias
ok> nvalias diskname /pathdodevice
Used to set environment variables used for the openboot firmware.
ok> printenv
ok> setenv
(from the OS shell you can use #eeprom auto-boot?=true, for example to set boot environment variables)
shutdown, reboot, etc
ok> power-off
ok> reset-all